Tag Archives: life after death

“…the Meek Shall Inherent Earth” Really?

The people writing these things are doing the best they can to understand, often, SCRAPS of information that they believe , whole-heartedly, are Heaven sent.  To write it down, giving it their best effort to communicate something that is quite often … beyond understanding… it’s tough.  (“We (billions) are One”, comes to mind…)

The (not so near) Death Experience is clear on this question. This passage should not be taken literally.  The message was an apparent attempt to communicate that …. free and easy living, and joy, and…. safety, forever, will come to those who are meek.  That part is true, from the NDE perspective.  During the NDE it was obvious, and absolute that… “forever” is a lack of time… so, once THERE to stay… it WAS forever/never-ending.  That was the understanding…. it won’t be on earth.

Whatever you call a “next life”, free and easy living is the biggest understatement since the “big bang”, guaranteed.  The bliss possible in the next life is beyond understanding… (perfect? …. better than THAT) …. even for people who (are SURE they) have been there, and returned, it’s ….unimaginable.  Think about that.  There aren’t even words BIG enough.

Are the meek really going to want the earth, when humans are done with it, anyway?



Is there a problem with questioning the doctrines of organized religion?  Can each one actually believe that they are the only one that has everything right?  No?  So… the one with the most things right wins… or, should win?

It’s very interesting, to a person who has died and returned, how these folks SWEAR that God will smite thee, if you do this or that, because it is what their particular doctrine says.  If you don’t believe, right down the “party” lines, you’d “better be careful.  That’s how the devil sneaks in”, supposedly.  That’s it!  Those amongst us who (know they) got to SEE God, ARE the devil………………………..  I am the devil………  Has nothing changed in 2000 years?

How hard is it to realize that, what was shown to me to be true, while…. away…. every religion has at least one major thing right, but none has everything right.   How is a “deficiency” going to be corrected if it can’t even be questioned?  That makes NO SENSE!  Still, they stick to, what they must know, is not, exactly, how God would have it.

All these divisions!  They have wars over this stuff!  Maybe, to bring people together, we should have everyone fill out a questionnaire, starting with something like, “Is God (by whatever name) Great?”, and work down…NO… UP from there, to….. open peoples’ eyes to the fact that……we are One, like it or not.

We need a new religion.  One where people help each other…as if that other person is their favorite relative.  Lets make it a competition!  Not that fakey, “Look at me, I care” …stuff.

The best help is usually given in secret, anyway.  You want “brownie points” with God?  That’s got to be one of the best ways to get them.

From one son of God to another…or, an other (non-son)…. now you know, something of what a death survivor came to understand.

No Need To Hate

It’s a crazy world out there these days.  “Peace and Love” has been reduced to just a topic of conversation.  Well, it’s not going to be this way forever!    It WILL be alright.

“It’s a crazy world” and in the same breath, “It will be alright”?  Is this guy some kind of kook?    Time will tell…….

How could it possibly be alright??  Cars break down, loved ones may need hospitalization, kids need raised, bills need paid, jobs get lost and more.  I’ve heard it said that life is a real piece of … work.  It doesn’t have to be…..  Having had a, so-called, NEAR death experience, I can think of plenty of reasons it will be alright.

There IS justice, in the end.  People who have intentionally caused suffering will receive the SAME suffering, once these few “moments”  (80 years?) are over…. and it will be intensified and multiplied.  Intensified in what way?   Separated from “God”, there is no hope, no goodness, no love, no people, and no chance for change.  A murderer will FEEL…..as if it were “LIVE”, THEMSELF being murdered, from now on (and multiplied!)!  … Someone wronging you today WILL GET THEIRS shortly.  No need to hate .  Hate will be turned against those of us who use it.   Thanks, but “no thanks”..  If, eventually, they ARE going to be away from God, forever, (because there is no “time”),  SORROW seems to be more appropriate.

(Think what you will…)  I saw Jesus, during my “death” experience.  Think about the change in perspective when you KNOW there is A God……and JUSTICE, PERFECT JUSTICE.

There is a God, AND there will be justice?!!  For EVERY SINGLE time we were… put in fear by someone… or lied about… or injured, physically, or mentally… there will be JUSTICE… automatic and effortless… guaranteed Justice.   It will be alright.

How about that scary transition we call “death”?  Fear not, my friend…. the moment we…pass on (“death”)…and arrive “there”,  we have no clue as to how we got there, similar to being knocked out.  Car wreck?  Drowned?  Murdered?  It is over, and DOES NOT MATTER…. knowing that there is Justice, and everything will be alright, it simply does not matter enough to TRY to recall!  Knowing that EVERYONE will receive THEIR very own “just desserts”, suddenly the things that happened before are TOTALLY unimportant…. including how we “died”!

Would you like a shot at one of those “goofy” lives where things going wrong DON’T MATTER?  Do you want to look like one of those air-heads in the old movies where the people are happy, even when they’re being shat upon?

Just treat people the way you would want treated yourself… and HANG IN THERE!

It WILL BE alright….there’s no need to hate….



Have you ever promised God that you would do ANYTHING….that’s ANYTHING God wanted…if you could just SEE Him for yourself?  After all, just to know that…there IS a God would be life-changing, yes?  You would see God, immediately know what you were supposed to do next, and you (happily) get right on it!  Sound about right?

It sounds so easy……

Mid-teens….I’m BEGGING for this same thing…for two years (forever, at that age).  With unfaltering belief…….patiently waiting…..  Then, WHAM…my car is suddenly many feet shorter….the truck hadn’t yielded.

The good friend in my passenger seat runs in to the nearest phone to call for help.  Meanwhile, I “come to”, get out, track him down…..his eyes get as big as saucers, when he sees me!  …..”You were DEAD!”, he says.  There’s one question that would likely come after that……”WHAT??”, I say.  “YOU W-E-R-E  D-E-A-D”, he repeats it.  I’m dazed…. and he’s goofy, I figure.  My reply, “Well I’m NOT DEAD NOW…..!”.  Then, back to the matters at hand.

MONTHS later, in seconds, all this…information….POURED into my head.  It turns out to have been the recollection of what they now call a “near death experience”.  I had/have details NOBODY could just …KNOW.

So what?  So…what to do with all this…stuff?  What else, tell family and friends.  Naturally.  Except even they’ll shoot you down.  What is this supposed to be accomplishing anyway?  How about just waiting….until there is a history of ….sanity….to point to.  Maybe I can come to understand what it all means.  Yeah, I’ll just go on with life, living and learning.  It’s a plan.

Forty-plus years later….that plan won’t work!  That kind of talk at this age just means you’re starting to “lose your marbles”!?  That’s just GREAT…..

The goal, and the promise?  To tell every person alive all the….GOOD news….way before the internet existed, nigh, impossible.

Now it is “possible”…..what to do?  What to say?  ….It is NOT easy……




I’m at the Life Review.  (You’ll get your chance.)  In mere MOMENTS, every single act, and thought I EVER did and had was all around me, as if happening for the first time!  And yet, the entire thing happened so FAST, it was over before my brain could register it.  But I remembered it all!

As if that wasn’t strange enough, I saw things as if I was on the receiving end of things I had said and done.  To me it seemed like the effects were amplified somewhat.  It’s that or…some of the things I had said…cut to the bone?  Or were those “recipients” just (too) “sensative”?  …No, that was not the answer.

I would come to a place, in this…thought stealing review, that I would feel I needed to…defend my actions.  Over and over I would begin by saying, “yeah, but”…and that would be the end of the moment, moving on to the next.  After this had occured several times, I realized that my “yeah, but” “explanation” carried no weight.  It wasn’t that it was a “lie”, more like…you should have known better, AND WOULD HAVE, if truly coming from a place of love!

There it is…the “afterlife’s” standards for admission, and now you know, when your turn comes, that “but.” is always the end of the sentence.


What, Again, is Life About?

A lot of folks seem to think, as I once did, that life is a test.  That may be the wrong way to look at it.

Opportunity, that is what life is.  OK, it’s an opportunity….for what?  Is it just an opportunity for God to get all bug-eyed, watching us flounder, counting each transgression (like Scrooge would count his pence), waiting for the day of the big filet?  Eh?

Who’s heard of, “you can’t earn your way to Heaven”, you?  It’s because there’s…”purchasing” involved, where “a savings account”  is a more appropriate description…..less entitlement, more…seeking….and “saving”….. all things good, and proper, with Love…and, therefore, the approval of the powers that be, besides a just reward.  We need to be good/do good because we want to, not because it “pays”.  That kind of “pay” does not convert to Heavens currency!

Remember the story, something about, burning off the chaff from a harvest….  I’m guessing that is more than a fair description.  God hates sin, right?  Then why would He want to look at it?!  Burn it off, look at what’s left.  For some folks, that doesn’t leave much.  It would not be cool for God to ask for his magnifying glass, to see what’s left over from the burn, when looking me over, I know that much.

For some, God will look at the pile…it’s so big….and bright (because of the blazing light, coming from Him, reflecting off the “gold” (“savings”) pile).  Yes, that is what I want…..  A big smile on the face of the Almighty.

I’ll Kill Myself and Go Somewhere Better…Says Who?

What makes people think they can kill themselves, and go somewhere better?!?  Do they think there is never an undesirable outcome after death?  What about “ghosts”?  Presumably they (ghosts) are trapped here.  This isn’t to say that there are ghosts, but it wouldn’t surprise me.  The point is, if they believe in the existence of something resembling “hell”, or in trapped spirits,  or some such, they’d better think again before thinking suicide!  It gets worse….yeah, worse.

The answer to the suicide/Heaven formula?  Zero.  That’s the chance of having a good outcome from suicide.  I am sorry.  The Kid with a thousand questions expected a different answer!

You know….life is tough!  It seems like God would have pity on people who….just can’t make life “work”.  You know, the whole God/forgiveness thing.  That simply wasn’t the case.

THIS is the answer to the question of suicide…..Just for the record, I don’t feel it’s fair….apparently suicide is unforgivable, according to what I’ve seen {I mean, the Kid has seen).  Why?  Because, you’ve chosen to tell God, “to hell with your plan for my life, I’m doing what I think is best!”.

You don’t see people who have had a so-called “near death experience” committing suicide.  These people have seen death….and bliss….who WOULDN’T want to go back ASAP?  But they don’t, do they?

So VERY many good things come from people who have borne the unbearable…maybe it’s almost “required” in order to do the BEST things(?).

That’s it.  Like all answers from/about God….simple.

The End Is ALWAYS Near

You know how sometimes, time flies?  Other times it seems to barely move.  Time flies?  How about vacation time. Time crawls?  How about…standing in a long, slow line at the market, when you are in a hurry.

My (95 year old) grandma said, when asked which decade went the fastest, “I went to bed 49 (years old), and woke up 60”.  This being the case…who cares what others think/say? It will be over in ten minutes!

OK. ….How to explain “time” as it exists in a place with NO time…….?

Every minute in heaven is kinda’ like, say, a decade on earth.  Looking at it this way, if we’re LUCKY, we’ll “live” for 10 minutes (Heaven “time”)!  So, that leaves us with THE question, could you “be good” for ten minutes?  Truth be told, only HAVING ten minutes to live, I’d be trying to get as much “helping” done as I possibly could.

That is EXACTLY how it will feel, once we’re in the great beyond!  Just like in old age, where years, and even decades, seem to have flown by, once they’re over.  “Life” is just a blip on the screen of eternity.  Think about that….it changes EVERYTHING. For instance…why worry?  In “ten minutes” it (life’s worries) will be over!

Say…a loved one has died.  They’re missed so very much…yeah, for “ten minutes”, until you are there as well!  You want to relieve life’s stress?  It too will be…forgotten…in “ten minutes” (Heaven “time”).  So don’t worry about it….see how easy it was for me to say that?  I can say it, I just have trouble doing it!

One more thing…once you’ve “gone on”, and you know that your whole life was just a blip in time, you’ll realize… THE END is ALWAYS near!

How can there ever be lasting peace?

Where there is love and true justice, peace comes easy.

Think about the person you love the most in the whole world (maybe that is yourself). THAT is love, and everyone should be treated as if they ARE that favorite person. Does that seem not enough? Then treat everyone as if they are God.

As far as justice is concerned….good luck getting THAT in life!  But after life, justice is absolute…AB-SO-fricking-LUTE!!  It’s, also, PERFECT.  Explain perfect?  Whatever a person does to another person, they may as well be doing it to themselves!  The rolls are reversed, where there is perfect justice.  Example?  I scream at you, “You are so stupid, and I can prove it!”  Well, I just signed up to be screamed at, probably for eternity, and, all the while, during that time, realizing just exactly how stupid I truly was to have gotten myself here/there, by treating someone else so lousy!!  Perfect Justice.

So……you want peace, treat “yourself” (everyone!) well!